The ill-advised burden of GWB's pointless war on Iraq has come to end. Its end kinda sneaked up on me. I'd forgotten the timetable for withdrawal, but we now have withdrawn, finally. The end of this agony is long overdue, and of course, it's another war that should never have been fought. No ticker-tape parades, no final victory. Just withdrawal - a whimper.
GWB's father chose not to remove Saddam Hussein at the end of the first Gulf War to liberate Kuwait. I can't pretend to know why he made such a choice, but I have to believe he understood what it would have involved and chose wisely not to follow that path. GWB, on the other hand, justified the war based on little more than lies about weapons of mass destruction and about the actually non-existent ties of Saddam to terrorism. It had no valid justification other than GWB's strange neo-conservative obsession with removing Saddam Hussein and installing democracy at the point of a gun. The Iraq War featured a classic blitzkreig campaign to seize the nation and remove its leader, but the army that accomplished that feat was not equipped or prepared to stay on as an occupying force. It would have taken many, many more soldiers to police Iraq after the "regime change" and to occupy them than it took to conquer it. Our all-volunteer military has been stretched to its limits by our wars, with many of them serving multiple deployments and having their deployments extended involuntarily.
Our troops have paid a heavy price for this war. Not just the thousands of US military deaths, the tens of thousands of injuries, the hardships on families, the lingering poison of post-traumatic stress (with all its impacts on soldiers, their friends, and families), and its hundreds of billions in dollars in costs (with its huge contribution to our national economic malaise). Some of our troops have participated in vile acts (e.g., Abu Ghraib), which is an inevitable price we pay in any war, even while the majority of our soldiers serve honorably, of course. War is always ugly and our politicians have disgraced the nation and let its warfighters down by leading us into this one for no good reason. We surely should be thankful it's finally over.
Perhaps the most difficult pill to swallow is that our troops have endured this agony for no good reason. They have not been defending our freedom in America. With the exception of the blitzkrieg campaign at its beginning, our troops haven't even been fighting another army. It's been yet another war with negligible justification against "insurgents" (a guerrilla war), where we suffer casualties without any strategy for "winning" that conflict. History has shown repeatedly that when one nation invades another, and the invaded nation is forced into guerrilla tactics, the war becomes unwinnable for the invader. Casualties continue to mount up, but the insurgency goes on indefinitely. Nationalism (a form of tribalism) always trumps political ideology.
As a Vietnam veteran, it has been painful for me to watch this war unfold. I even had to endure my son's deployment there, with its awful sense of deja vu. We have GWB and his neo-conservative politics to blame for this disgraceful mess. The christian nationalist party's (i.e., the GOP) politicians have taken the stance that withdrawal from Iraq has been a mistake. Show them how you feel about this "mistake" in the next election!
Although there's more direct justification for battling terrorism in Afghanistan, the history of that nation makes it clear that the war there is another unwinnable one. We need to stop being the world's self-appointed police. Get our troops out of that mess, too!
It was a tragic mistake to remove a sovereign nation's regime unilaterally when that nation actually posed no valid direct threat to us. The threat of terrorism is not anywhere near enough to justify the price we're paying - not just in ruined lives and dollars, but in the increasing willingness of a fearful US population to be more willing than ever to trade our freedom for what amounts to only an illusion of security. The terrorists are winning because they're forcing us to pay the disproportionate cost of responding to their terrorist actions. I say "disproportionate" because the actual impact of terrorism is minor. It's a tactic for the weak, and we should be strong enough to not give in to the fear being shoved in our faces by politicians for the sake of political gain.
Dusty Spring Morning
5 hours ago