It's come to my attention that a project to study tornadoes in the Southeastern US has been created, via political 'pork barrel' machinations. This project is predicated on the following basis:
"The southeastern United States commonly experiences devastating tornadoes under conditions that differ considerable from those on the Great Plains region where tornado research has historically been focused. NOAA/NSSL has a newly funded mandate to collaborate with the National Science Foundation in better understanding how environmental factors that are characteristic of the southeastern U.S. affect the formation, intensity, and storm path of tornadoes for this region."
Several institutions within the southeastern US have been pushing this sort of idea for years. With the help of their Congressional delegations, they evidently have succeeded in forcing this absurd project on the rest of us. They assert that tornadoes in the southeast are different, and that their regional storm problems therefore have been overlooked. There's little doubt that tornado fatality counts in the southeastern US are higher than elsewhere, but it's never been demonstrated that this is the result of a difference in the meteorology of tornadic storms in the southeast. There are many non-meteorological reasons for high death rates in the southeastern US - this blog isn't the venue for a complete discussion of those non-meteorological explanations.
Nor has it ever been shown that tornadoes in the southeastern US are the result of some (as yet, unspecified) difference in the physics of severe storms and tornadoes. To the contrary, there is every reason to believe that the meteorology of severe storms and tornadoes is the same the world over. Absent a compelling demonstration of an important difference in the meteorology, this program is based on an unvalidated hypothesis.
Yes, the climatology of tornadoes in the southeast differs from that of the Great Plains. For instance, there's a well-defined tornado "season" in the plains: tornadoes occur with high frequency in the months of April, May, and June on the plains, and relatively low frequency at other times of the year. In the southeast, tornado frequencies generally are much lower than the peak months of the plains tornado season, but those relatively low frequencies only decrease substantially during the summer months in the southeast. Thus, although tornadoes are less frequent in the southeast, they can occur at almost any time of the year, including in the winter. The reasons for this are clear to most severe storms meteorologists: they have to do with the ingredients for severe storms and tornadoes, which come together often in the early to late spring on the Plains, and rather less frequently in the southeast but without a clearly defined "tornado season". This is a clear indication that severe storms and tornadoes in the southeast are more or less identical to comparable storms on the Plains. The only difference in the regions is the climatology of the ingredients, but the ingredients are everywhere the same! It seems quite unlikely that any particularly useful meteorological insight is to be gained by this project.
The proposed program is patterned after the already completed VORTEX and VORTEX2 field observation campaigns in 1994-5, and 2009-10, respectively. These observational campaigns included mobile radars, instrumented vehicles to intercept storms, and so on. Doing a similar project in the southeast will be much more challenging, owing to the presence of extensive trees, substantial orography, a high frequency of low cloud bases, and a higher overall population density compared to the Plains. Visibilities needed for successful storm intercepts are just not common in most of the southeastern US. This renders even more questionable the basic concept of conducting such an exercise in the southeastern US, since it adds to the danger level for the participants, who will be much less able to see and avoid storm hazards in the course of their observational assignments.
This situation is simply an example of how some institutions can game the system to secure funding for themselves. Unfortunately, government funding is basically a zero-sum game. What existing programs and projects will have to be cancelled or delayed because of this boondoggle? This is not the path to scientific cooperation and collaboration - rather, it's divisive and will damage the relations among scientists for decades to come. This is not a good idea in any way, and it speaks loudly that this ill-advised reallocation of scarce scientific resources is the result of political posturing rather than a reflection of sound scientific justification.
Dusty Spring Morning
4 hours ago