A few days ago, circumstances beyond our control (a broken water pump) forced us to spend a few days in the small town of Malta, MT. We'd broken down July 2 (Tuesday) on highway 191, and limped into town late in the day, but the garage was booked up for July 3, and of course July 4 was Independence Day ... so it couldn't be fixed before the morning of July 5. We had little choice but to stay, without transportation. Fortunately, the motel where we stayed was able to give us the room for 3 nights in a row and it was close to the town center.
A short walk away was the Great Northern Hotel Restaurant and a bit farther away was the Westside Restaurant - coincidentally, we had had lunch at the Westside on our trip westward a few days earlier and had enjoyed the hospitality and good fare already. The salad bar at the Westside was quite good, so if you're there, be sure to take advantage of it. And the food at the GN was uniformly excellent, plus their "glass of wine" was quite generous, which naturally was an endearing characteristic for me! Plus, the Maltana motel where we were staying gave us complimentary beverage tickets at GN!!
This mandatory time spent in a small town reinforced my feelings about small towns in the American Plains that spring from my time spent with relatives on a farm in northwestern Illinois: the people are wonderful! In this blog, I suppose a disproportionate fraction of my writing is negative - I'm upset about something and so I write about it. But I'm not a fundamentally negative person, despite what some might conclude from my blog. One aspect of storm chasing I've always enjoyed has been, and continues to be, small-town America. I can think of only a tiny number of bad experiences in small towns - the overwhelming hospitality and friendliness of people in small towns dominates. I could provide many, many examples from past storm chases. Interesting local museums and parks, unexpected hospitality, great meals, and wonderful human interactions with total strangers!
Our chase trip hasn't had much in the way of storms this year, but we've definitely been enjoying our travels anyway. In Malta, during our days of enforced leisure, we did some laundry, bought groceries, surfed the Web in the motel room, and were treated to a delightful fireworks display put on by the town a short distance from our motel. We had a front row "seat" in the motel parking lot and the fireworks went on for about an hour! Not the sort of elaborate display some towns (like Norman, OK) put on, but many diverse and spectacular fireworks that continued for a long time. We enjoyed it a lot!
The USA has many challenging problems, but the one thing that constantly strikes me when I travel about our nation is the warmth and easygoing friendship shown to transient strangers. I think Americans still have a core of goodness and decency that shows up constantly. I may not like everything going on in America, but I think America is a great place at its core.
By the way, the work done on our car put us back on the road by about 1:30 pm on 5 July, with everything working just fine and a reasonable bill for the effort. Pete was our mechanic and he was very apologetic about not being able to do anything until 5 July! He was right there bright and early Thursday morning to do the work and the bill turned out to be less than I feared. All in all, it was a good outcome to what might have been a nightmare, save for the good folks of Malta, MT. If you're traveling through Malta and have the chance, stop in at the Great Northern or the Westside and have a meal. It's quite likely to be excellent and you can enjoy a chat with the friendly wait staff at either place.
They don't call it the "heartland of America" for nothing!
Dusty Spring Morning
9 hours ago