Recently, GOP lawmakers around the nation are introducing legislation to make
many sorts of protest illegal. I have news for these lawmakers: making
some action illegal changes nothing. If someone's concerns about the loss of
our rights as American citizens leave them willing to be arrested for
defying an unjust or unconstitutional law, this legislation has no
impact. If someone is willing to let our rights be eliminated one at a time
via legislation, then they'll have to bear a large share of the
responsibility for the destruction of American democracy.
Protest is a time-honored tradition of the USA. The Constitution's Bill of Rights (freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, due process, restrictions on search and seizure, etc.) became the law of our land because the framers of the Constitution were concerned about the tyranny of the majority. If a sheep and two wolves vote, the majority will be eating mutton for dinner! The real key to democracy is not majority rule - it's protection of the rights of minorities! Peaceful protesters in our history have been attacked by police and police dogs, shot by soldiers, shot with water cannons, tear gassed, arrested, and sent to jail for their efforts. As MLK has shown us, an unjust or evil law can and should be broken, to draw attention to the injustice being perpetrated. This also reveals the evil that results in the injustice. The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s eventually created enough national revulsion over the states with Jim Crow laws and legal segregation, the people of our nation seemingly repudiated that injustice. Now, it seems, the Trump regime has "normalized" bigotry of all sorts: misogyny, racism, LGBTQ persecution, discrimination against religions other than xtianity, discrimination against atheists, and so on. The bigotry never went away - it was simply not accepted in public discourse for a while. The very notion of a progressive, a liberal, has been demonized and vilified. It seems that our painful progress in seeking equal justice for all of us in our nation is vulnerable to it being cancelled by hostile lawmakers. Legislation embodying such discrimination is being proposed at federal and state levels.
There's no need to do anything more in terms of the law than enforce trespassing laws in many cases of protest if you just want to silence dissent. There's this false notion that a peaceful protest should never include breaking any law. That's actually contrary to the long tradition of non-violent protest in our democracy. Yes, trespassing is a crime, but the bigger issue is the injustice against which protests are organized. Remember that in our nation's history, slavery was perfectly legal at one time. Aiding slaves in their attempts to escape was, in fact, illegal. Antisemitism was the law in Germany during the Hitler regime. Dissent in autocratic regimes like Soviet Russia, China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, South African apartheid, etc. is often declared to be illegal. Does this mean that protest about unjust laws is somehow tainted when laws are broken in a non-violent way?
A disturbing issue is the implication that some protests are being infiltrated by agents provocateur - people who either commit violent acts or try to induce others to do so. This then is used to justify violent suppression of the protesters. I don't know the extent to which this may be occurring, but it's an indication of profound evil whenever and wherever it occurs. I also know that some people who join protests are not willing to play by the non-violent rules. They may not be police agents but they are people whose agenda is not what the protests are all about. Their actions also induce a violent response in some cases.
The Trump regime (including federal and state GOP legislators) has shown us strong evidence in its first month in office just what he and his cronies represent. They're quite willing to trample on the principles and traditions of our democratic republic, inflicting harm on disadvantaged peoples, enabling the destruction of the environment we all must share, creating more and more income equality favoring the tiny, but wealthy minority. This is an administration and Congress that may eclipse anything in our nation's history in terms of both incompetence and corruption. They see the judiciary as their enemy, in blatant disregard for the checks and balances incorporated in the Constitution. They see a free press as their enemy, ignoring its traditional important role in bringing attention to misdeeds by the government. Dissent is deemed to be unpatriotic when in reality, dissent is one of the most patriotic things one can do in a democratic republic.
That so many Americans feel the need to protest this turn of events seems both natural and a positive good, even as the crypto-fascist oligarchy clearly pushes their personal greed out as their top priority and to hell with the needs of the rest of us. How many protesters already have been arrested and detained in prisons? What will happen if the chorus of dissent becomes louder and more vigorous? Are internment camps and gulags and, yes, gas chambers in our future? The current regime offers me no indication that they could not easily follow down a path that history has shown leads to cult-of-personality dictatorships, autocracy, oligarchy, and massive loss of rights by ordinary people.
Dusty Spring Morning
6 hours ago