Been on something of a hiatus, lately. Being on travel has meant I really couldn't post much. It's not over yet, but I figured I'd throw out some thoughts on a variety of topics and see what happens.
Paula Deen
If you've followed my writings, you know I'm neither a racist nor afraid to use politically incorrect words. Words are just words - they can only offend you if you choose to be offended by them. "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me!"
Paula Deen has admitted to using the word "nigger" - and is being vilified for it. Perhaps she is a racist - I don't know her so I can't say for sure one way or another. But using the word "nigger" is not direct evidence of Paula Deen being a racist. What is distinctly racist, however, is the blatant discrimination associated with the notion that "African-Americans" can call one another niggers, but European-Americans can't use the word. A racist is someone who believes (a) the notion of race has biological significance (I don't), and (b) one race is superior to all others (invariably, the race of the racist), and acts upon that belief by discriminating against those of other races, up to and including perpetrating violence on them. Racism is manifested by deeds, not by words! If Paula Deen has done things to demonstrate that she's a racist, then the criticism of her is justified. If not, then she doesn't deserve the label.
In this secular nation, our Constitution was framed carefully to prevent tyranny by the majority. The christian majority in this nation has been working ceaselessly for many decades now to undermine those freedoms and to impose their beliefs and practices on all Americans. Yet they whine constantly about being persecuted! Many christians demand respect for their religion but they bombard all Americans with messages of condescension and disrespect for any other belief, and especially for the absence of belief (atheism). They push their particular beliefs on everyone, professing love for their fellow humans while at the same time condemning them for non-belief in the tenets of christianity.
If christians demand respect for their religion, then it's hypocritical of them not to offer equal respect for the beliefs and non-beliefs of non-christians. As fellow Americans, christians share their Constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms with every other American, including non-believers. I honor those rights and will fight for them, but I have no obligation to respect their beliefs. If you know someone who believes in flying saucers, alien abductions, bigfoot, a flat Earth, an Earth-centered Universe, an Earth that is only 6000 years old, that humans and dinosaurs co-existed, the divinity of royalty, etc., are you obligated to respect those beliefs? I think not! I respect their right to have those beliefs but the beliefs, per se, aren't worthy of my respect in any way. I see christianity as irrational and even dangerous - the "God Virus" disables critical thinking (at least about spiritual topics, where logic and evidence are superceded by faith) and enables otherwise rational people to embrace irrationality. In today's world, irrationality is potentially a threat to us all.
Reactions to the 2013 Oklahoma tornadoes
This topic might deserve an entire blog post on its own, but - here's a short version of what I think. The idea that purpose-built shelters should be made mandatory in schools is inappropriate. What might be more practical and much less expensive than mandating purpose-built tornado shelters in schools would be to have some knowledgeable people review every school's tornado plans and make changes where necessary, perhaps occasionally recommending the construction of shelters if nothing adequate can be developed from the existing structure(s). I'd like to see building codes in the tornado-prone parts of the US enhanced to the same standards in place in hurricane-prone coastal areas. And I want the media broadcasters held accountable for what they say to the public in tornado situations. They're a key component of the integrated warning system, but they're not infallible weather deities and need to reign in their desire for ratings in order to perform their obligations to the public in a responsible way. A key example is the manifestly false statement that "You need to be below ground to survive this tornado!"
When Forecasts Diverge
6 hours ago
Well, we usually agree. But I disagree about Paula Deen. It's not that a person of her age ever used the word "nigger" in her life. That's not the issue. The issue is that she appears to not to care too much about the fact that she had said that. She's a celebrity now...she can't just pawn this off as "I am who I am".
This is a thoughtful piece on the issue.
Apparently you didn't get the main point of the post - which is that her use of the "N-Word" (past, present, or future) by itself does not mean she's a racist. I distinctly left open the possibility that she actually is a racist and things are coming to light that make that seem plausible.
I did get the main point of your post. I investigated one of the offending comments just to make sure that it wasn't an off-handed use of the derogatory "nigger". I want to make sure that anyone who reads this understands that I do believe people can change, and if she had used that term offhandedly years ago and regrets it now, then I would say "forget it." But I don't believe that's the case, and it looks like you agree.
This is one of the things she said back then: "...well what I would really like is a bunch of little niggers to wear long-sleeve whtite shirts, black shorts and black bow ties. You know in the Shirley Temple days, they used to tap dance around. Now that would be a true southern wedding, wouldn't it? But we can't do that because the media would be on me about that."
This is not an off-handed use of the word as you'd expect someone years ago in the south to have made. That's vile.
This is not a double standard....and even if rappers self refer to themselves as "niggers" that's their right...just as we Italians sometimes joke around and call ourselves "dagoes".
That's different from someone using a derogatory term to charatacterize another group. Friends can do that too (and I know we have talked about that) because it's clear it's a joke. So I disagree with that part of your comment, which I don't believe you intended to come out the way it did, because we have spoken about it.
No, John, you did not get the point, and evidently, you still don't. It's distinctly a double standard if one group can use a word and others can't. But I'm content to agree to disagree.
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