A recent Facebook "discussion" with a friend has brought to my attention some disturbing trends. It seems that in some "liberal" circles, it's become fashionable to redefine racism as "prejudice + power" - this new definition assumes that racism can only be applied by those who have the power to enforce their bigotry. Hence, in the USA, it could be said (using this new definition) that only white people can be racists, because whites are the majority and traditionally have excluded participation by non-whites from having much power. As I see it, the combination of prejudice and power can equate to "oppression" - but not to racism.
My personal definition of racism is when someone assumes they can know something meaningful about someone else simply by knowing the person's race. If I had experienced many of the things my African-American friends tell me about (i.e., if I were black), there's a good chance I'd be a racist. My life would be dominated by white people making assumptions about me based solely on my race, so it would be natural to reciprocate. Tit for tat, and all that. It would take an extremely strong sense of shared humanity to shun that path and instead allow every person I meet to show by their actions who they really are. I discovered this concept for the first time in the Army, when I was forced to interact with a very diverse set of people - I learned on my own that someone's outward appearance said nothing at all about their character. Not all racists are white! Why condemn those not participating in racial oppression? Race is a useless, divisive concept ... but I've discussed that in other blogs, so let me move on with today's thoughts.
It's clear that the combination "prejudice + power" often results in oppression. Women are the victims of male dominance in many professions and in many aspects of their lives. Misogyny (literally, woman-hating) is a gender-based prejudice - another sort of bigotry. Naturally, misandry (literally, man-hating) is its female equivalent. If we assume that men have more "power" (at least in some ways), then they could be misogynists if they combine their power with a prejudice against women. Obviously, it would be natural for someone consistently victimized by misogyny to develop misandry, and such women exist, some of them in the halls of academia. Unfortunately, prejudice against men (or women) is just another form of bigotry. It's understandable why some women might embrace it, but it's not very effective in doing something about misogyny in the long run. Not all men are misogynists! Many men support and even encourage the legitimate aspirations of women.
No matter what people think, and no matter how bigoted they might be, I strongly support their right to express their views. I've commented on freedom of speech several times in the past - it only means something when it's applied to the expression of ideas with which we disagree. What's disturbing to me today is the news that dissension is being suppressed by "liberals" in academia. Personally, if someone is actively shutting down free discourse on any topic in a university (or anywhere else), such a person is not what I consider to be a "liberal". My notion of being a liberal is that dissent should be encouraged, not suppressed. The founders of this nation clearly intended free speech to be the law of the land, and so freedom of speech was the very first item in the Bill of Rights - the first 10 Constitutional Amendments. To suppress dissent is an implicit admission of either a fundamentally flawed viewpoint, or a weak foundation for that viewpoint. Lacking valid logic and/or evidence, one way for a viewpoint to dominate is to suppress other viewpoints, perhaps even with violence. History has shown us many examples of this and no truly liberal person should ever support suppression of dissent. The willingness to allow dissenting views implies a sense of confidence in one's viewpoint - its logic and evidence are sufficient to convince a rational person of its validity. It's in academia where many of us first encountered ideas that weren't in full agreement with the culture in which we were born and raised. This is a good thing, forcing us to think about our ideas, and is the principle so nicely embodied in the University of Wisconsin's "Bascom Plaque". It's precisely in academia where free speech is most important!
One characteristic of bigotry is the use of hurtful epithets hurled in the faces of the oppressed. Thus, many liberals espouse the notion of banning "hate speech". To me, this is an unacceptable tactic. Who decides what qualifies as "hate speech" and what's the basis for that decision? Sounds like censorship to me, which is the antithesis of free speech. I continue to argue that words only have power over someone when that someone grants that power to those words. I always refer to the old childhood chant, "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me!" To be offended, one must agree to be offended. We may well find the use of hurtful epithets to be distasteful and off-putting, but they're just words and if we choose not to be offended, they lose any power over us.
Finally, let me repeat comments I've made in previous blogs - the notion of "hate crimes" that some "liberals" have embraced. The general idea is that if a criminal act is perpetrated by someone who hates the victim for some reason, then that adds to the level of criminality and so deserves more punishment than normal for that crime. This is, to put it simply, a ridiculous notion, because it requires us to know what the perpetrator was thinking before and during the criminal act. It's a concept similar to the Orwellian notion of "thought police" - that you could be punished just for thinking incorrectly. If you've committed a crime, you should be punished for that crime, not for what you were thinking before and during your criminal act. Perhaps the concept of "hate crime" was an outgrowth of WWII and the evils perpetrated by the Axis powers, but I find it a disturbing concept that's likely to be abused. If you think "hateful" thoughts but commit no crime, should you be punished just for thinking them? Not in my world, thank you!!
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52 minutes ago
You amaze me sometimes Dr. with your level headed thoughts and utter reasonableness. Very well said. You write with the clarity of Thomas Jefferson. "We hold these truths to be self evident." What you wrote is very self evident but unfortunately not everyone feels the same way.
Thanks for speaking out on this.
Lisa MacArthur
Riverside RI.
You know Doctor, I can't see you as a conservative or a liberal. Being one of those two implies in my mind an extreme. You seem to be a centrist with beliefs based on reason and what is good for all or at least most.
Neither the republicans nor the democrats represent moderation as far as I can see. In reality we need a party of moderation.
I tend to lean towards the right or caution but I'm not anti-gay and I think religion is legalized fraud. On the other hand I believe in letting people keep most of what they earn and am not extreme on any of the issues. That makes me a lousy conservative and a lousy liberal. The center is where it is at. There is very little black and white in this world.
Rush Limbaugh may be entertaining at times but he is a polarizing figure and does more harm than good.
You'd make a good leader. Of course, they'd never elect you, you make too much sense.
I hope you had a good memorial day weekend.
Lisa MacArthur
Riverside RI
Thank you for your comments. Opinions about me and the rationality of my opinions vary quite a bit. I always appreciate an upvote, naturally, but it's not needed.
Not only would I not be elected to a position of political leadership, but I would not ever choose to run for such a position.
BTW ... my name isn't "Doctor" so I prefer you use "Chuck"
There's not much upon which we agree sociopolitically--that's not news. However, I'm right with you on this one.
Sure, you raised something of a "no true Scotsman" argument regarding liberal ideals, racism and free speech, but it's one that has validity in that it hits squarely at a glaring self-contradiction in the present-day left. To be a liberal in the most ideal sense, one must support free expression and dissent! That also fits in nicely with my own constitutional-constructionist ideals: the notion of free expression is wholly independent of who may consider it to be "offensive". When supposed "liberals" try to squelch expression they arbitrarily and capriciously deem "offensive" or politically incorrect, how does that differ fundamentally from intolerant, repressive censors of any other proclaimed ideology? They become the very thing they claim to stand against. It goes to show that, regardless of whether the left or the right is in charge, you can bet that power will be abused by some authorities toward the goal of repressing dissent.
True "tolerance" includes speech with which either you or I (or sometimes both of us, as in the case of truly racist or misogynistic expression) may disagree with intense vehemence. But such expression is supposed to be constitutionally protected from governmental recrimination through a combination of the First Amendment and Supremacy Clause (neither of which contains the words "except" or "unless"). That includes state-run universities. There's a reason such court cases have been won a great majority of the time by the person or group doing the controversial expression. Yet some in academia and academic bureaucracy keep trying to push those limits, as if not learning the lesson.
Let us both continue to defend the freedom for the left and right alike to speak controversially, and yes, sometimes "offensively".
Even sociopolitical opponents can find common ground. The wish to suppress "offensive" speech is surely not limited to academia and the academic bureaucracy. I'm ready to continue to defend free speech for ALL!
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